The Chorochronos Archive is a collection of moving object databases (MOD), and related algorithms that are used by the mobility data management and mining community for the empirical analysis and evaluation of mobility-centric query processing and mining algorithms. The repository was created as a Content Management System (CMS) in 2011 by Nikos Pelekis (npelekis "at" unipi "dot" gr), Ioannis Kopanakis (kopanakis "at" e-bi "dot" gr), Yannis Theodoridis (ytheod "at" unipi "dot" gr), Christina Zotali (czotali "at" gmail "dot" com), Marios Vodas (mvodas "at" gmail "dot" com), Michail Basios (maba18 "at" gmail "dot" com), Ioannis Kostis (jkostis "at" gmail "dot" com) and fellow graduate students at Information Management Lab (University of Piraeus; and e-Business Inteligence Lab (Technological Institute of Crete; The primary goal of Chorochronos is to be used by students, educators, and researchers all over the world as a primary source of MOD-related research and applications. Funding support from the FP7/FET Coordination Action MODAP (Mobility, Data Mining, and Privacy; 2009-12; and the ESF/COST MOVE (Knowledge Discovery from Moving Objects; 2009-13; projects is gratefully acknowledged. The success of the archive solely depends on the donors and creators of the databases and algorithms, therefore we are grateful to them.
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